Merengue roll with curd cheese and cream
4 servings1 hour
Egg whites - 200 gr, Powdered sugar - 300 gr, Lemon juice - 2 tbl, Starch - 2 tbl, Fat cream - 300 gr, Curd cheese - 150 gr, Powdered sugar - 2 tbl, Confitur - 100 gr

How to make a meringue roll? Prepare everything you need for this. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. To do this, you need about 6 eggs. Any thick confitur or fresh berries can be used as the berry filling of the roll. I take blackcurrant confitures. I like it because it gives a sourness in a sweet filling.

Whisk the egg whites into a light foam for a minute. Then, without stopping the whipping, gradually sprinkle the icing sugar.

Continue whipping the squirrels at top speed for a further 4-5 minutes to beat to such a thickness that they hold their shape well on the wedding.

Add lemon juice and starch to the whipped proteins in the bowl. Whisk everything again, but a little - 10-15 seconds. Merenga will remain just as lush, but starch and lemon juice will intervene well.

Line a baking tray (40 * 40cm) with cooking paper and lay out all the whipped meringue.

Align all over the surface. It will be the top of our roll. Place the tray in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Navigate your oven.

Merenga should turn slightly golden. Draw a baking tray from the oven. Cover the meringue with another leaf.

Turn it all around together. Then remove the sheet on which the meringue was baked.

While the meringue cools, make the cream. To do this, combine cream, 33% fat, curd cheese and powdered sugar. Very little powder is needed, as the meringue itself is very sweet. Whisk all the ingredients well to a thick, stable cream.

Set aside a couple of tablespoons of cream to decorate. Spread the rest of the cream evenly over the entire surface of the inverted meringue. Apply the berry filling.

Helping the sheet on which the meringue lies, roll everything into a roll.

With the debugged cream, garnish the top of the roll.

On top, the roll can be decorated with any berries or fruits. Put the finished roll in the refrigerator so that the cream freezes a little.

Merengue roll ready for tea party! Nice treat!