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Chicken fillet cutlets, minced meat

The Easy-Recipes.cooking website page contains simple recipes for chicken cutlets. This dish is suitable for adult and children's menus, well combined with any side dishes. It can be served with salad, bread, and sour cream, cheese, or tomato paste sauce.
The main ingredients Chicken cutlets are made from minced meat or chopped meat. This product is rich in protein, amino acids and trace elements. The breasts or thighs of poultry produce delicious, low-fat diet cutlets. Minced meat for cutlets is often prepared from several types of meat. For example, veal, pork or turkey are added.

The five most commonly used ingredients in chicken patty recipes are:


Calories kcal in 100g

Proteins g in 100 g

Fats g in 100g

Carbohydrates g in 100g

Chicken fillet



3. 6

1. 9

0. 4




2. 7

10. 9

0. 7



1. 4


10. 4




1. 2


Wheat flour





They also include eggs, white bread, milk, salt and spices. Sometimes the meat is mixed with crushed vegetables, mayonnaise, cheese, mushrooms, cottage cheese. Ground garlic or chopped greens are added to the mince for taste. Cutlets are rolled in crumbs, semolina, oats. The dish is fried in vegetable oil or stewed in tomato sauce. How to cook chicken cutlets Anyone can learn how to cook a hearty dish for lunch or dinner.

The five lowest calorie recipes for chicken mince patties are:

The name of the dish

Cooking time

Calories kcal in 100g

User rating

Chicken fillet cutlets with surprise

1 h



Zucchini meat cutlets in a steamer

50 min



Steamed PP chicken cutlets in a slow cooker

40 min



Diet PP mince cutlets in slow cooker

35 min



Juicy microwave chicken cutlets

20 min



Recommendations: To make the mince, the chilled meat is cut into small chunks, passed through a meat grinder or beaten with a blender. For chopped cutlets, fillet is cut into small cubes. Diet cutlets are prepared without bread, flour, semolina and cereal. Prepared meat is mixed with egg whites and milled onions, salt and spices are added. Ground bran and grated cheese can be put in mince. The cutlets are laid out on parchment and baked in the oven until cooked. This dish is served at the table with stewed or fresh vegetables. Classic cutlets are made from minced meat, bread soaked in milk, eggs and onions. The products are well mixed, brought to taste with salt and spices. Then round or oval cutlets are formed. The blanks are rolled in flour or breadcrumbs and then fried over medium heat under a closed lid. Such a dish is served to the table with porridge, pasta and mashed potatoes. Cutlets in Kyiv are prepared from whole chicken breasts. They are filled with butter and herbs. The blanks are fried to a ruddy crust in a pan, and then baked until cooked in the oven. The dish is juicy and satisfying, suitable for a festive table. Before serving, the treat can be decorated with sprigs of parsley and dill. You can make delicious burgers with mustard sauce and vegetables from chicken cutlets.