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Cutlets have long become classics of Russian cuisine, they are firmly included in the everyday diet and are a universal second dish, which is ideal for any side dish.The traditional French cutlet recipe involves the use of a piece of meat on a bone, but for many decades domestic foodies have called neatly formed minced meat collops with the addition of various ingredients for viscosity and juiciness. Each hostess knows exactly how to cook the most delicious cutlets, and has branded recipes in her arsenal. They can be made from meat or fish mince, from liver and vegetables, with rice and oatmeal. In the classic composition, onions, egg, white bread and raw potatoes grated are mandatory components. So that they do not fall apart in a pan during frying, they are rolled in crumbs or prepare egg batter. Zrazes with a filling of butter with herbs, hard or melted cheese, fried mushrooms or smoked meats are especially refined. Special attention should be paid to vegetable cutlets, which are great for a lean table. They are made from potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage.