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Smoked rabbit

Smoked rabbit... 6 servings
17 hours 30 min

The classic recipe for preparing this meat delicacy is not distinguished by the simplicity and speed of cooking - you will have to spend time and make some efforts. But an excellent result will reward all efforts - the meat turns out to be incredibly fragrant, tasty - soft, juicy. Both adults and kids will love it! Let's get started cooking. Here's what we're going to do:
1. In a suitable size, pour dry spices, black ground pepper, ground cloves, as well as mustard. We also add greens (spring onions, dill, parsley, rosemary, thyme, basil - you can choose any aromatic grass and each will give its own flavor). We mix everything well. My orange is under warm water, then we rub it with a towel and cut it in half. Squeeze the juice out of the orange into a cup and pour half into a spiced container, well agitated.

2. Thoroughly under the running water of my rabbit, then dry it with paper towels, and then rub the carcass with the prepared spicy mixture. Put the rabbit in a large container, pour the remaining orange juice on top. Cover the container and put it in the refrigerator for the whole night (12 hours) .

3. The next day, remove the rabbit from the marinade and transfer it to a saucepan. Fill the rabbit with water, in which we add vinegar and pour salt and granulated sugar. Bring the liquid to a boil over a high heat, then reduce the heat to moderate and cook the rabbit for 20 minutes.

4. At this time, we are preparing a smoke.

5. When 20 minutes pass, remove the rabbit from the broth, let it cool a little. Then we place the rabbit in the same marinade again, rub it on all sides with spices.

6. Put the rabbit on the smokehouse grill and cook it for

2. 5 hours. In principle, it is not necessary to sit all this time next to the smokehouse - you can go to do your own thing. But you certainly need to monitor, from time to time approaching the unit. Serve the rabbit on the table, cut into pieces, or you can serve it on a large platter whole. Such a rabbit is equally tasty both cold and hot. Enjoy your meal!

Rabbit - 1 kg, Water - 1 l, Salt - 40 g, Sugar - 5 g, Vinegar - 5 ml, Cloves - to taste, Ground black pepper - to taste, Dry spices - to taste, Mustard - to taste, Oranges - 100 g, Greens - 20 g