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Jelly cake broken glass

Jelly cake broken glass... 8 servings
14 hours 20 min

1. Prepare the colored jelly according to the instructions, only reduce the recommended amount of water by 100 ml (usually write 400 ml, so add 300 or even 250 ml). Allow to freeze, then dice.

2. Whisk sour cream with sugar, add vanilla sugar, whisk again.

3. Fill gelatin with water following the recommendations indicated on the package. Then squeeze and allow to dissolve over a low heat, not bringing to a boil.

4. In a small container, mix the gelatin with the addition of sour cream (2-3 spoons) until smooth, then add the resulting mass to the main cream, stirring well.

5. A bowl that will serve as a form of future cake, line with cling film, lay out sour cream and cubes of multi-colored jelly, gently mix. Send to the fridge until fully set (I leave overnight). Put the finished cake on a large dish and treat yourself to health!

Gelatin - 15 g, Jelly - 270 g, Sour cream - 400 g, Sugar - 150 g, Vanilla sugar - 10 g