Mashed soup in a slow cooker
4 servings1 hour
Champignons - 300 grams, Potatoes - 250 grams, Onions - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Cream - 200 grams, Garlic - 2 teeth., Water - 400 ml, Greens - to taste, Salt - to taste, Dry spices - to taste

How to make mashed soup in a slow cooker? Prepare the necessary ingredients for this. Peel the potatoes in advance and rinse them in running water from dirt. Next, peel the onions and carrots. You can take any greens to your taste. I will add fresh parsley to the soup. Rinse fresh champignons thoroughly and dry them with paper towels to remove excess moisture.

Slice the champignons and slice the potatoes. The shape of the cut does not matter, as then everything will be crushed. Send the chopped potatoes and mushrooms to the bowl of the slow cooker.

Using any method, grind the onions and carrots. I have grated carrots. But you can just cut it into pieces. Add the onions and carrots to the bowl. Next, send the chopped fresh greens.

Cover all ingredients with water. In the amount of water, focus on the desired density of the finished soup. You can add a little less water, and then add more if necessary. Add a little salt and spice to taste. Choose spices for your taste. I have some paprika and mushroom spices. For the aroma, you can also add dried herbs or suneli hops. Turn on the slow cooker on the mode & quot; Soup & quot; for 40-50 minutes. Navigate your multicooker.

When all the ingredients are cooked, add the garlic and grind everything to a puree. Pour in the cream. Fat content can be anything. The higher the fat content, the creamier the taste will be. Bring to the boil. At this stage, you can pour some water.

Pour the finished puree soup into a plate and serve hot to the table. The soup can be supplemented with crackers. Enjoy your meal!