Solyanka meat team

1 hour 30 min
Pour a little more than half of the water into the pan, put the fillet and put it to cook for 20 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam. Cut meat and sausages into straws, sausages into circles. Cut salted cucumbers into straws. If the sausage is greasy, you can fry it slightly before putting it in the pan. Get the meat and cut it into small pieces. Put it back in the pan. Add fried sausage. Add a handful of rice or potatoes (optional). Finely chop the onions and grate the carrots. Place the onions in a frying pan and fry until golden brown. Add carrots, after a couple of minutes tomato paste and finely chopped garlic. Fry for about 5 minutes. Add cucumbers and sliced olives to the pickle, pour out 0. 5 st. cucumber brine. You can add some capers. Salt and pepper to taste. Finely chop the greens and add to the pickles. Cook for another 5 minutes, then cover and let "brew. " Add a slice of lemon and a spoon of sour cream to the plate. Enjoy your meal!
Meat offal - 350 gr, Sausages and sausages - 350 g, Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs., Brine - 0.5 pack., Olives - 0.5 pc., Onions - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Tomato paste - 1 table, Greens - to taste, Salt - to taste, Ground red pepper - to taste, ground black pepper - to taste, lemons - 1 pc.