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Nauryz skin

Nauryz skin... 12 servings
4 hours 30 min

Rinse meat products thoroughly. Set aside the lamb buds, boil everything else until soft for 2-3 hours under a lid over low heat with the addition of onions to the water - up to 5 heads. Boil the kidneys separately in water 1 an hour. Drain the water then, and add the kidneys to the meat. Dilute kurt in meat broth (2 cups). Here: plum oil, sausage, garlic, red pepper. Let it cost 3 hours, and we still have meat cooked. Boil grain or cereals until semi-ready. Add milk and cook until the grain is boiled. Add the grain to the meat and cook for 30 minutes on a slow fire. Remove the meat, cool slightly, cut into slices and put it back in the broth. Remove meat and grains from the stove, add kurt with broth and spices (the one that insisted for 3 hours). Stir everything and heat over fire, but do not bring to a boil strong. Get in the way all the time. Lightly eat katyk and mix with kumys. Add it all to Nauryz skin, stirring with a wooden spoon. The most important thing is not to let the milk curl. When ready, Nauryz skin is served along with tortillas, which are called cake kulesh. Enjoy your meal! Be sure to stick to exactly the products I described in the ingredient notes! This is important, otherwise you will not succeed in real Nauryz skin!

Horse meat - 0.5 kg, Lamb - 0.75 kg, Liver - 250 gr, Lamb buds - 100 gr, Water - 3 l, Semi-smoked sausage - 300 gr, Fat of any - 200 gr, Solonina - 100 gr, Milk - 2.5 l, Butter - 200 g, Cottage cheese - 200 g, Kefir - 2.5 pc., Water - 1 l, Wheat groats - 2 pc., Fig. - 1.5 pack., Garlic - 2 teeth., Onions - 10 pcs., Hot pepper - 0.5 pcs.