Uzbek beef lagman
6 servings2 hours
Wheat flour - 500 g, Eggs - 1 pc., Salt - 0.5 tea liters, Water - 200 ml, Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp, Beef fillet - 600 gr, Onions - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Tomatoes - 3 pcs., Potatoes - 1 pc., Bell pepper - 1 pc., Turnip - 1 pc., Garlic - 4 teeth., Tomato paste - 2 tbsp., Wheat flour - 1 tbsp, Salt - to taste, Pepper - to taste, Kinza, coriander - to taste, Basil - to taste, Dill - to taste, Vegetable oil - 50 mL, Water - 500 mL, Water - 2 L, Salt - to taste

How to make a lagman in Uzbek from beef? Prepare the necessary noodle dough products. All ingredients should be at room temperature.

Sift the flour into a wide bowl.

In the flour, make a depression and drive an egg into it. Add salt to 1 cup of chilled boiled water and stir until completely dissolved. Pour the salted water into the flour and knead the dough, first in a bowl, then on a table. Flour may need a little more than the specified amount.

Brush the table and hands a little with vegetable oil and mix the dough until smooth. The finished dough does not stick to the hands, it is not tight, soft enough, but elastic. Assemble the dough into a ball, wrap in a bag and put in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, better for an hour.

After this time, remove the dough from the refrigerator and mash it with your hands into a uniform rectangular layer about 2 cm thick. Cut the resulting cake into 1. 5-2 cm wide strips. To make it convenient to work, grease the table surface, hands and dough a little with oil. Cover all the dough with film, and take the cut strips one at a time.

Roll each strip of dough with your hands on a table in a long tourniquet - a string with a thickness of a little finger. The dough is very soft, elastic, easy to work with, it does not tear. Lay the elongated and twisted dough on a plate in a spiral. The bottom of the plate, and then the dough on top, must be greased with vegetable oil. Cover the resulting spiral with film and leave on the table for 30 minutes. I needed several plates, as it is necessary to put in one layer.

Pour the water into a saucepan and place on heat. Add a little salt, just like for regular pasta. Run an elongated strip of dough through your fingers, stretching even thinner and longer. Wind the dough on your hands like yarn, spread your hands in smooth jerks several times to the sides and hit the table slightly. The noodles are magically thinly stretched and laid on the table. The dough should be well lubricated so that the thin strips do not stick together.

Immediately boil the finished thin and very long noodles in violently boiling water literally 2 - 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Tip the noodles into a colander, rinse under cold water and let the water drain.

Transfer the washed noodles to a spacious bowl, pour a little vegetable oil and mix. So cook all the noodles, before serving it will need to be warmed by blowing boiling water. Noodles can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator, you can cook immediately before making gravy, as the Uzbeks do. Those who do not want to bother cooking noodles can boil the finished purchased one.

Prepare your meaty gravy products. Traditionally, lamb meat or beef is taken. But vegetables are put different, in addition to traditional onions, garlic, carrots, tomatoes and potatoes, you can add eggplant, courgette, turnip, radish, green beans, radishes, bell peppers, hot peppers. Greens and seasonings are mandatory.

Gravy is prepared very quickly at the very beginning, so all spices, products must be prepared (washed and cleaned if necessary) and cut in advance. Wash the meat, dry and cut into a medium cube. Chop the potatoes and tomatoes as well. Using a smaller cube, chop the turnips and onions. Cut the pepper into a middle rectangle (with a phalanx of pinky finger), carrots of similar length, but straws sweeter. Cut the garlic into thin rings. Rinse and chop the greens.

Heat the cauldron over a high heat, heat the oil in it and fry the meat on it until a ruddy crust appears. To prevent the heat of the oil from decreasing, throw the meat into several receptions. Add salt, pepper, meat spices, garlic. Do not forget to periodically interfere.

Then add the onions, followed by the carrots. Everything is fried very quickly.

Reduce the heat to medium and add the bell pepper. Pepper can be any color.

Place the tomatoes and stir.

Add the tomato paste and stir to distribute evenly. Pasta gives an intensity of color and taste, especially if tomatoes are winter.

Then add the potatoes and turnips.

Add a tablespoon of flour with a slide and stir everything thoroughly and quickly.

Add regular water at room temperature, it should hide the products on 2 fingers, this is for a gravy of medium density. Or add more water, then the dish can be served as soup. Reduce the heat to small and leave to simmer until the potatoes are ready for 20 - 30 minutes. At the end, add the greens, turn off the heat and let the dish brew for about 15 minutes. Lagman in Uzbek at home is ready.

By tradition, lagman is served in kes (large piala). They put noodles on the bottom, how much a handful will grab, vegetables with meat on top, add gravy, quantity at will and sprinkle with fresh herbs. Enjoy your meal!