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Chicken in a frying pan

Cooking chicken in a pan won't take long. Most dishes from this category do not require much time and culinary skills. And even a child can cope with some.In a frying pan, chicken can be cooked whole, in pieces, with and without bones. You can fry or extinguish, with or without oil. Make a full second course, light sauce, snack, something that will suit breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, many recipes for chicken in a pan will be suitable for adherents of a balanced diet, will be included in many food restrictions. There are useful ones for the smallest kids, especially if you grind them with a blender.

The five most commonly used ingredients in pan chicken recipes are:


Calories kcal in 100g

Proteins g in 100 g

Fats g in 100g

Carbohydrates g in 100g

Chicken fillet



3. 6

1. 9

0. 4



1. 4


10. 4

Wheat flour







1. 3

0. 1

6. 9




2. 7

10. 9

0. 7

You can add any vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, legumes to a chicken, regardless of whether you fry them or simmer them. If you cook fillet, it will take less time to cook than for a whole carcass. In a frying pan, you can fry a whole chicken, if only the size of the dishes corresponds. Tobacco chicken, a popular dish of Georgian and Turkish cuisine, is prepared just like that, with adjika, aromatic spices. Often without the addition of oil, since the fat of the chicken itself is enough. How to make chicken in a pan depends on what you want to get in the end: fried brown crust or delicate white meat. It is better to fry on melted butter, animal fat. And at the same time put on an already hot frying pan - so the meat will turn out to be juicier if it is not overexposed on fire. Also, for a crisp crust, it is better not to close the pan with a lid. If the meat is "not the first" freshness, it is better to marinate it before further processing. Any vinegar, lemon juice, hot pepper, mustard, mayonnaise and anything that can suit marinade, simple or complex, will work. The longer marinating, the more tender the meat will be, the more marinade flavors will appear in it.

The five lowest calorie recipes for chicken in the pan are:

The name of the dish

Cooking time

Calories kcal in 100g

User rating

Chicken breasts with cabbage, carrots and onions in a slow cooker

1 h 30 min



Classic chicken lagman

1 h 10 min



Chicken breast steak in a frying pan

50 min



Chicken breast with oranges and bell peppers

30 min



Stewed cabbage with chicken breast and beans

1 h



Any parts of the chicken in the pan are successfully obtained: legs, thighs, legs, breasts, backs, wings, necks, even stomachs, hearts, liver. It is advisable to remove the skin from the chicken, not use it in a dish. Unless there is an idea to cook it well. Because chicken meat is gentler than any other, it usually takes less time to cook it. Moreover, in some cases it is highly discouraged to cook it for too long. Otherwise, it can become dry and tasteless. This is especially true when it comes to fried rather than stewed meals.