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Curd cheesecakes in frying pan ∞ homemade delicious recipes

Cheesecakes in a pan are a simple, quick and affordable breakfast that can be made from different sets of products: on semolina, on flour, with or without butter.
Curd cheese dough in a pan can be made in minutes. In most cases, it does not require proofing: as soon as you are ready, you can immediately fry. The products for it can be very different, starting with different types of flour and ending with the addition of oil. Someone cooks in manka, someone without it; others add raisins or dried fruits.

The five most commonly used ingredients in cheese pan recipes are:


Calories kcal in 100g

Proteins g in 100 g

Fats g in 100g

Carbohydrates g in 100g

Cottage cheese



6. 4








9. 7

Wheat flour








2. 7

10. 9

0. 7



10. 3



3. 3

The simplest recipe for cheesecakes for frying in a pan has the following composition: cottage cheese, flour, eggs, sugar, salt. The mass is kneaded to a uniform state. Then balls are formed from it, which then need to be flattened, turning into thick & ldquo; coins & rdquo;. The thickness of cheesecakes can range from very thin, 1 cm, to impressive,
1. 5-2 cm. During heat treatment, the dough can increase in size twice. This is especially facilitated by the added soda or baking powder. It should be borne in mind that there is no need to beat eggs for cheesecakes with either a whisk or a mixer. Rather, they are put to bind other products. And for pomp, soda is used. There are recipes in which milk, sour cream, mineral water are added. Moreover, milk can be not only cow, but also goat, almond, soy, coconut. The same applies to flour: wheat, rice, herculean, corn, and so on. To make the pastry fit, you can cover the pan with a lid. Then the cheesecakes will grow up, become more magnificent and softer. It is also important to put them on a preheated surface, with or without oil. They fry quite quickly, so it's important to look to avoid burning. It is believed that classic curd cheesecakes should be cooked in a pan with melted butter.

The five fastest cheesecake recipes in the pan are:

The name of the dish

Cooking time

Calories kcal in 100g

User rating

Raisin manka cheesecakes

10 min



Cheesecakes with cheese

15 min



Cheesecakes with cheese and herbs

15 min



Cheesecakes. Cottage cheese fritters in a pan

15 min



Curd cheesecakes with bananas in the pan

15 min



A little secret: this dish can be brought to the desired state as follows. When cheesecakes (or curds) are toasted on both sides, reduce the heat, cover and hold it for a minute or two. If the pan has a thick bottom, you can turn off the fire altogether, leaving the finished products to languish in heat. You can serve them with any sweet sauce, sour cream, syrup, jam, jam, povidl, fresh fruits, berries, yogurt.