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Dishes with zucchini in the pan

Cook courgettes in a frying pan using homemade proven recipes with step-by-step photos! You are waiting for both new discoveries and ancient ways to prepare everyone's favorite product in hundreds of different ways.When they talk about recipes for zucchini in a pan, they most often mean fried ones. It is extremely rare for this product to be simmered, unless it is part of more complex dishes. If courgettes plan to serve on their own, like a hot snack or a hearty breakfast, they are exactly what they fry.

The five most commonly used ingredients in squash pan recipes are:


Calories kcal in 100g

Proteins g in 100 g

Fats g in 100g

Carbohydrates g in 100g



0. 6

0. 3

5. 2

Wheat flour





Bell pepper


1. 3


5. 7



1. 3

0. 1

6. 9



1. 1

0. 2

3. 8

For frying, the simplest way from additional products is taken: oil, salt and flour for breading. However, you can refuse flour by replacing it with breadcrumbs, crushed flakes or nothing at all. Vegetables are cut into circles. After frying, their taste can be enriched with: crushed garlic, grated cheese, fresh tomatoes, and so on.

The five fastest recipes for zucchini in the pan are:

The name of the dish

Cooking time

Calories kcal in 100g

User rating

Chicken with vegetables in Chinese

15 min



Chicken breasts with zucchini in the pan

15 min



Young courgettes with onions and parsley with sour cream

15 min



Courgette pita

20 min



Eggplant braised with vegetables in the pan

20 min



The easiest way to put out the courgettes in the pan is to make them in sour cream or cream sauce. Zucchini in this case is cut into cubes or just small pieces. And to begin with, fry in a small amount of oil, having previously salted. And only then seasoned with sauce and stewed to the desired readiness. In terms of speed, this dish is considered super-fast, because it is prepared literally 10-20 minutes. Suitable as a hot base for snacks, like a side dish for meat or poultry or just a delicious breakfast or dinner.