So, we take such products. Boil potatoes, carrots, eggs. The number of products depends on the size of your salad. And of course, it is definitely impossible to indicate, for example, potatoes or carrots in pieces. I was a small size. So consider that. Better let it stay.
We will clean the boiled foods. Grate potatoes, carrots, yolks, whites, cheese. We cut mushrooms and chicken into cubes, finely.
We take a flat dish. We lay out half of the potatoes on a dish. Shaped like a dog's face.
Grease with slightly mayonnaise and lay out the meat.
There's a bit of protein on top. We put cut mushrooms on top of the protein.
Now we close with cheese. Grease all layers with mayonnaise.
Now we lay out carrots.
Potatoes on top. We cover everything well. And we coat around.
Now we lay out the middle with yolk and the ears with protein.
We still make the middle with protein.
We cut out the eyes and nose from the caps of mushrooms. We insert cloves instead of moustaches. And we cut the tongue out of the sausage. Brows are also cut out of mushrooms. We let the salad soak in the refrigerator. Enjoy your meal.
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