Beetroot, chicken and pickle salad
6 servings2 hours 30 min
Chicken - 300 grams, Potatoes - 1 piece, Carrots - 2 pieces, Eggs - 3 pieces, Pickles - 3 pieces, Beets - 1 piece, Salt - to taste, Green onions - 25 grams, Mayonnaise - 100 grams, Dill - 5 grams

How to make a salad with beetroot and pickle? Prepare the necessary ingredients. Any parts of the chicken will work, I took the chicken thighs. Cucumbers can be pickled or pickled.

Boil the chicken in boiling salted water until tender. To keep chicken meat juicy, lower the chicken into boiling water. Cool the chicken, separate from the bones, cut into small cubes.

Cook vegetables until tender, cool. Peel the potatoes, grate over a coarse grater.

Peel the boiled carrots, grind them in a coarse grater.

Boil the eggs hard-boiled with moderate boiling for 7-9 minutes. Cool the eggs in cold water, clean the shells. Divide the two eggs into squirrels and yolks. Leave two proteins, rub the rest of the eggs on a coarse grater.

Cut the cucumbers (I have pickled) into small cubes.

Put the salad in layers on a flat plate. It is convenient to use the serving ring for this. Put the grated potatoes in the first layer, salt a little.

Apply the mayonnaise on top.

Put salted or pickled cucumbers in the next layer.

Then a layer of chicken and mayonnaise.

Wash the greens, dry. Finely chop the spring onions, sprinkle evenly over the chicken layer.

Put the grated carrots, mayonnaise on top.

The last layer is eggs. Brush the salad with mayonnaise on top.

Remove the serving ring. Sideways, too, cover the salad with a thin layer of mayonnaise. To design the salad, you will need strips of parchment paper 3-4 cm wide. Put them on the salad perpendicular to each other.

Grate the beets on a fine grater.

Similarly, grind the remaining two proteins.

Place grated beets on parchment-free places with an even layer.

Remove the parchment strips and carefully distribute the grated squirrels in their place.

Place the dill sprigs around the lettuce's circumference before serving, top with the salad as desired. Put the salad in the fridge for 1 hour to soak. Enjoy your meal!