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Salad with avocado strawberries and brazil nut

Salad with avocado strawberries and brazil nut... 2 servings
1 hour

Nuts must be freed from the shell. Place them on a baking sheet and heat in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. The shell will easily open. In a bowl, we prepare the filling. We mix honey. Lemon juice, sugar and olive oil. Let's leave in the refrigerator for cooling. Rinse the salad leaves, wet with a paper towel and line the bottom of the salad bowl with them. Avocado also wash and cut into 2 halves. Remove the bone, and cut the flesh into small cubes. Cut clean strawberries into slightly larger pieces than avocados. First finely chop the nut kernels, and then thin in a mortar. Put a layer of avocado on the lettuce leaves, then a strawberry layer. Sprinkle with nut crumbs and pour over the cooled dressing. It turned out to be a beautiful and tasty salad. Enjoy your meal!

Brazilian nut - 50 gr, Avocado - 1 pc., Strawberries - 300 gr, Lettuce - 4 pcs., Lemon juice - 1 tbl., Honey - 1 tbl., Olive oil - 50 ml, Sugar - 0.5 tbl.