Squid - 300 gr, Canned corn - 200 gr, Eggs - 3 pcs., Parsley - 10 gr, Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp., Mustard - 1 tea liter, Ground black pepper - to taste, Salt - to taste
How to make a salad with squid and corn? First, prepare the necessary ingredients according to the list. Boiled squid can be replaced with canned squid. Eggs are needed large, selected. If the eggs are small, take 4 pieces. The proportions of the ingredients can be changed to your liking.
Peel the squid from the skin, inner films, remove the chitin plate and insides. Rinse well. If the squid is frozen, defrost them first, but not to the end - it is easier to peel the frozen squid. Boil the squid in salted boiling water for 1-2 minutes, no longer, or they will become rubber and tasteless. Chill the ready-made squid and cut into strips.
Boil the eggs hard-boiled, chill and peel. Also cut the eggs into straws.
Drain the liquid from the canned corn. Dry the grains.
Rinse the parsley, brush off the moisture and chop finely. If desired, you can replace or supplement with other herbs, for example, dill, green onions or use a mixture of different herbs.
In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise with the mustard. Mustard can take Russian, Dijon or French.
In a bowl, combine the squid, canned corn, eggs and some of the ground greens.
Season the salad with mayonnaise with mustard and stir. If you wish, you can season with salt and pepper, but I don't usually add spices to mayonnaise salads. Moreover, mustard and so gives the salad a savoury.
Top the salad with the remaining parsley and serve. Enjoy your meal!
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