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Canned cod caviar salad

Canned cod caviar salad... 6 servings
3 hours 10 min

Boil the potatoes until tender, but so that they do not boil. Cook hard-boiled chicken eggs, peel the shells and cut them into halves, and remove them from the middle of the yolk. Peel the red onions, rinse and finely cut into cubes. Then, to give a savory taste to the future salad, it must be marinated. To do this, transfer the chopped onions to a small bowl or plate, fill them with a glass of warm water and add a spoon of 70% vinegar. Leave the onions to marinate for about 10-15 minutes. Rinse the champignons thoroughly under running water and dry, laid out on a paper towel. Then cut the mushrooms into cubes. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan and fry mushrooms until golden. Remove the pan from the heat and let the mushrooms cool. Wash the apples of sour varieties and peel. Next, we start directly to assemble the salad. We take a large plate and rub boiled potatoes on a coarse grater to the bottom with the first layer. Using a spoon or kitchen spatula, level the layer. Then, with the second layer, evenly lay the fried champignons. We rub the proteins of boiled eggs with the third layer on the grater, lubricate them abundantly with mayonnaise. For the fourth scrap, lay out the canned cod caviar and level it with a spoon or shoulder blade. Next, filter the marinated onion through a sieve and place it on top - this is the fifth layer of lettuce. We rub the yolks of boiled eggs on top of the pickled onions and lubricate the layer again with mayonnaise. Then we rub apples on a coarse grater and again wash the layer with mayonnaise. We rub a hard cheese with a final layer of lettuce on a fine grater. Cod caviar salad is ready, but in order for all layers of salad to soak well, it needs to stand in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. We decorate the salad with a curly cut piece of radish, thinly chopped fresh cucumber and serve on the table. Enjoy your meal!

Cod caviar - 200 g, Champignons - 400 g, Onions - 50 g, Potatoes - 150 g, Chicken eggs - 3 pcs., Apples - 150 g, Hard cheese - 100 g, Mayonnaise - 150 g, Water - 200 ml, Acetic essence - 20 ml, Vegetable oil - 30 ml, Radish - 1 pc., Cucumbers - 1 pc.