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Matryoshka salad with korean carrot

Matryoshka salad with korean carrot... 8 servings
1 hour 50 min

1. Boil the chicken breasts until tender, let them cool completely.

2. Boil hard-boiled eggs, also cool them.

3. Clean the onions, cut into small cubes.

4. Preheat the pan with the vegetable oil poured into it, fry the onions until golden. Let it cool down completely.

5. Cut the chicken breasts into a small cube (with a side of about 1cm). Also cut the pickles.

6. Rub the eggs on a coarse grater, lay one yolk to the side.

7. Grate the smoked cheese over a coarse grater, putting one mug aside.

8. Take a flat, rectangular or oval dish. We will lay out the salad with the outlines of the matryoshka layer by layer, not forgetting to wash each layer with mayonnaise.

9. Put the first layer of Korean carrots (three quarters of the total amount), then - chicken meat, on it - fried onions (you don't need to smear them with mayonnaise), then - pickles, on them - corn, the next layer - eggs, put the smoked cheese with the last layer. 10. Rub fresh cucumber (large) into separate bowls, left on a fine grater for later yolk. Dice the tomatoes. 1
1. We decorate the salad: from a circle of smoked cheese - face, eyes - allspice, lips - a piece of tomato, other features can be made, for example, with the help of dill stalks, from cut tomatoes - a headscarf, dress - grated cucumber, apron - the remaining Korean carrot. Sprinkle the sides of the salad with chopped dill. The salad is ready! Cool it and serve it to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken breasts - 600 gr, Eggs - 6 pcs., Onions - 250 gr, Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp., Pickles - 200 gr, smoked cheese - 200 gr, Mayonnaise - 250 gr, Korean carrots - 300 gr, Canned corn - 300 gr, Cucumbers - 120 gr, Tomatoes - 120 gr, Allspice - 2 pcs., Dill - 20 gr.