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Royal salad with crab sticks

Royal salad with crab sticks... 4 servings
50 min

Crab sticks - 300 g, Hard cheese - 300 g, Carrots - 2 pcs., Chicken eggs - 3 pcs., Suhariki - 100 g, Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp., Garlic - 2 teeth., Salt - to taste
Let's make the ingredients. Of these ingredients, ... Let's make the ingredients. Of these ingredients, only chicken eggs and carrots require heat treatment.
To do this, my chicken eggs with soap and water to... To do this, my chicken eggs with soap and water to avoid the penetration of disease-causing microbes into the dish through egg shells and eggs. Chicken eggs should be at room temperature before cooking. Pour them in a metal saucepan with cold water, put them on fire, cook for about 20 minutes from the moment it boils. Then we drain the water, pour hot water, let the chicken eggs cool. We clean them and rub them on a grater.
Crackers can be taken from factory production or d... Crackers can be taken from factory production or dried independently from wheat bread. The second option is better for this salad, since ready-made crackers, as a rule, contain any flavors, while homemade ones will turn out exclusively with the taste of bread, which will not drown out the taste of other ingredients in the salad. Cut wheat bread into small cubes and dry on a dry baking sheet in an oven at a temperature of 180 degrees 10 minutes.
My carrots and cook in my uniform. Cook until read... My carrots and cook in my uniform. Cook until ready. Cool the carrots, peel and grate.
We cut crab sticks with a knife into small cubes. ... We cut crab sticks with a knife into small cubes. We clean garlic, pass a couple of cloves through the press or very finely chop it with a knife.
Such a salad can be decorated as layered or simply... Such a salad can be decorated as layered or simply mixed in a bowl and sprinkled with crackers on top. Put the first layer of crab sticks cut with cubes. Lubricate them with a thin layer of mayonnaise. If mayonnaise doesn't seem salty enough, you can salt the layers of lettuce a little.
Next, a layer of grated boiled chicken eggs. Greas... Next, a layer of grated boiled chicken eggs. Grease with mayonnaise.
Then lay out the grated boiled carrots. On top is ... Then lay out the grated boiled carrots. On top is a thin layer of mayonnaise. Sprinkle with crushed garlic.
Grease with mayonnaise. ... Grease with mayonnaise.
Sprinkle with grated hard cheese. ... Sprinkle with grated hard cheese.
Again, a layer of mayonnaise. It is better to lay ... Again, a layer of mayonnaise. It is better to lay crackers on this salad or add it to it immediately before serving it to the table, otherwise they will soak and spoil the taste of the salad and its appearance. If desired, decorate the salad with fresh herbs. We let him brew and serve him to the table. Enjoy your meal!