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Tomato and cucumber salad with sour cream

Tomato and cucumber salad with sour cream... 2 servings
15 min

Cucumbers - 300 gr, Tomatoes - 250 gr, Dill - to taste, Sour cream - 2 tbsp, Salt - to taste
How to make alat from tomatoes and cucumbers with ... How to make alat from tomatoes and cucumbers with sour cream? Such a salad is best cooked during vegetable season, when there are many local cucumbers and tomatoes in stock. If you cook it in winter, then choose cucumbers of a small size, with navels. Tomatoes, of course, are clearer. And when choosing vegetables and fruits, I focus on the smell: the more fragrant they are, the tastier their taste will be. In fact, now and in winter you can find good and high-quality vegetables in stores.
Unfortunately, my cucumber is long, but very fragr... Unfortunately, my cucumber is long, but very fragrant. Wash cucumbers and tomatoes well. It is best even to use a special brush or a means for washing vegetables and fruits, because when stored in a store, they are not clear what.
Cut off the bottom of the cucumber & quot; and cut... Cut off the bottom of the cucumber & quot; and cut into semicircles. In fact, the type of cutting can be absolutely any: there can be mugs, and even cubes. This does not affect taste in any way.
At the tomatoes, cut out the stalk and slice them ... At the tomatoes, cut out the stalk and slice them in any way that suits you, too. I have these wedges.
Rinse the greens well and dry. Grind. Recently, I ... Rinse the greens well and dry. Grind. Recently, I have been cutting greens with scissors, which is a very convenient way to cut. Dill is not at all necessary, any fresh greens will do: maybe you like cilantro or parsley, or maybe green onions. In this matter, focus on your preferences.
Put the cucumbers in a bowl, add the dill, salt. A... Put the cucumbers in a bowl, add the dill, salt. Also at this stage, you can add your favorite spices and seasonings to the salad: if you like spicy, - add garlic and ground pepper, if you prefer a sweeter taste - sprinkle with sweet paprika, you can even smoked.
Add the chopped tomatoes, season with sour cream. ... Add the chopped tomatoes, season with sour cream. Fat at your discretion. Of course, it is quite possible to replace sour cream with light yogurt for a more delicate taste or mayonnaise for a more satisfying version.
Let the salad brew for about 5 minutes and serve. ... Let the salad brew for about 5 minutes and serve. Enjoy your meal!