How to make a salad from beans, tomatoes, cheese and crackers? Prepare all the necessary ingredients for the salad. Canned beans can use either white or red or a mixture of both. It will also work out well with green green green beans. Only it will need to be boiled in salted water before readiness.
With the canned beans, drain all the liquid and tip the beans into a colander. It is advisable to rinse the beans with cold water to get rid of the remaining viscous juice. Dry the washed beans.
Crackers can be used shop-style and, depending on the additives, vary the taste of your salad. Or make crackers yourself. Breadcrumbs can be white or black bread as you like. However, wheat crumbs soak faster in lettuce. Therefore, I always give preference to rye. How to make crackers? Cut the rye bread into small bars and dry on a baking sheet in the oven at 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes. Cool the finished crumbs.
Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut into bars. For this salad, choose tomatoes that are fleshy and not very watery. If the tomatoes have too much liquid, it is better to cut the middle of the seeds from them and only then cut the flesh into bars.
Cut the cheese into small straws. You can grate the cheese if you wish. I prefer cutting into straws to achieve some monotony, as we cut tomatoes and crumbs into bars too. Take cheese first of all tasty, high-quality, without milk fat substitutes.
Wash the greens, dry and chop finely.
In the salad, combine tomatoes, canned red beans, cheese, crumbs and herbs. Season the salad with mayonnaise. If you wish, you can salt, pepper, but personally I very rarely add spices to salads with mayonnaise.
Mix everything thoroughly and serve immediately. Have a pleasant appetite! If you do not plan to serve the salad immediately or in the next 10-15 minutes, then it is better not to add crackers and mayonnaise. The crackers will quickly soak and lose their crispness. This will happen especially quickly with wheat crumbs.
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