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Chicken pineapple salad smoked with cucumber

Chicken pineapple salad smoked with cucumber... 8 servings
2 hours

1. Place the detachable shape without the bottom with the bottom up on a flat plate;

2. Cut the fillet into small pieces and mix with 2 tbsp. mayonnaise - this will be the first layer, put it in a mold, level;

3. cucumbers cut into straws or a cube and mix with 2 tbsp. mayonnaise - this will be the second layer, put it on the fillet, level;

4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix with 2 tbsp. mayonnaise - this will be the third layer, put it on cucumbers, level;

5. Stir champignons with 2 tbsp. mayonnaise - this will be the fourth layer, put it on the cheese, level;

6. Cut the pineapples into a cube and mix with 2 tbsp. mayonnaise - this will be the fifth layer, put it on mushrooms, level;

7. Put the salad in the refrigerator for 1 hour;

8. Remove the mold from the salad, gently coat on all sides with the remaining mayonnaise, decorate with herbs and cucumber slices. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken fillet - 400 g, Cucumbers - 2 pcs., Hard cheese - 200 g, Champignons - 300 g, Pineapples - 300 g, Mayonnaise - 300 g, Cucumbers - 1 pc., Greens - 20 g