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Pita cheese and red fish roll

Pita cheese and red fish roll... 10 servings
35 min

1. Filling. Wash the lettuce leaves and dill and dry. Finely chop the dill. Mix cream cheese with dill, lemon juice and zest. Cut the fish into thin plates.

2. Each pita bread leaf is smeared with cream cheese with herbs. Put the lettuce leaves on top in one layer, then spread the plates of red fish over the entire area of ​ ​ pita. Sprinkle with pepper.

3. Roll each pita bread sheet into a dense roll and refrigerate for 15 minutes for impregnation.

4. Spread the leaves of the salad on a plate.

5. Cut the rolls into pieces at an acute angle and place on the lettuce leaves. Notes: You can fold pita sheets on top of each other and roll into 1 large roll. Then it should be soaked in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Also, instead of pita, you can take 1 long wheat roll.

Thin pita bread - 2 gr, Trout - 250 gr, Cream cheese - 250 gr, Lemon juice - 1 tbsp, Lemon zest - 1 tbsp, Lettuce - 1 pc., Dill - to taste, Ground black pepper - to taste