Red fish in creamy sauce in the oven

1 hour
You can cook fish a little differently: do not cook everything separately, but cook a sauce and pour raw red fish with it and put it to bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes. With this method of preparation, it is better to cover the mold with foil so that the sauce does not evaporate much. Such a dish will become a real center of attraction and the main dish on the festive table. I prepared this dish from large Karelian trout, but small fish weighing about 300 g are suitable. They are more affordable, although they contain many small bones. The most useful part of the fish is its fat, it contains Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids in the optimal ratio. They normalize cholesterol levels, strengthen vascular walls, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, help strengthen immunity and normalize pressure. With regular consumption of dishes from the product, the beneficial properties of red fish are fully disclosed & amp; mdash; depression passes, the risk of developing oncology decreases, hypertensive crises disappear. Fish helps to strengthen the arteries, makes the vessels more elastic, improves the work of internal organs.
Red fish - 400 grams, Dill - 15 grams, Thyme, thyme - 7 grams, Ground black pepper - to taste, Salt - to taste, Cream - 200 ml, Processed cheese - 100 grams, Garlic - 2 teeth, Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
How to properly cut an entire fish on a fillet? Remove the tail, head and fins. Along the ridge, cut the carcass to the spine. Turn over on a barrel. Cut the meat from the ridge bone with a sharp knife. Turn over the carcass and cut the fillet on the other side. Clean from the inside, removing the black film, as it will mustard and spoil the taste. Rinse and be sure to dry well.
Read secrets, life hacks and all the most useful tips in the article: "Cream and sour cream in cream sauce: what to do so that you do not curl up? "
Keep in mind that everyone has different ovens. The temperature and cooking time may differ from those indicated in the recipe. To make any baked dish successful, use useful information about the features of the ovens!