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Pink salmon with cheese in the oven

Pink salmon with cheese in the oven... 3 servings
50 min

You can add any vegetables to your taste to fish - onions, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers. It is better to pre-fry the onions and carrots so that they do not remain solid after baking. You can also make a sauce based on sour cream or cream and pour fish with it, then sprinkle it with cheese and bake it under the same conditions.

Pink salmon - 500 gr, Hard cheese - 100 gr, Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp, Lemon juice - to taste, Ground black pepper - to taste, Salt - to taste
How to bake a pink salmon with cheese in the oven?... How to bake a pink salmon with cheese in the oven? Prepare the products. The fish is suitable both in its whole form and in the form of steaks or fillet. Defrost it first, transferring it from the freezer to the lower shelf of the refrigerator.
If you have a whole carcass, then cut it into port... If you have a whole carcass, then cut it into portioned pieces, before cutting off your head and gutting your abdomen. Rinse the pieces underwater and then dry them with a paper towel - extra moisture will make the dish watery. Sprinkle salt and ground black pepper over the fish on each side. You can also use any seasoning to your liking.
Take a baking dish and transfer pieces of pink sal... Take a baking dish and transfer pieces of pink salmon into it. You can line it with foil so that later the shape is easier to wash. Sprinkle the fish on top with lemon juice - it will soften the taste and give a pleasant aroma to the dish. Brush each piece with mayonnaise. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use sour cream. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.
Sprinkle the fish on top with grated cheese. ... Sprinkle the fish on top with grated cheese.
Bake the pink salmon under the cheese in an oven p... Bake the pink salmon under the cheese in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30 to 40 minutes. The exact time will depend on the features of your oven and the thickness of the pieces. But not longer so that the pink salmon does not dry out. Remove the finished fish and serve immediately to the table.
Baked pink salmon with cheese and mayonnaise is re... Baked pink salmon with cheese and mayonnaise is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Note that the quality and taste of the finished dish largely depends on the correct defrosting of the ingredients. How to avoid mistakes and choose the best way, read the article about defrosting.

How to properly cut an entire fish on a fillet? Remove the tail, head and fins. Along the ridge, cut the carcass to the spine. Turn over on a barrel. Cut the meat from the ridge bone with a sharp knife. Turn over the carcass and cut the fillet on the other side. Clean from the inside, removing the black film, as it will mustard and spoil the taste. Rinse and be sure to dry well.

How to correctly replace different types of cheeses in dishes read in this article.

Keep in mind that everyone has different ovens. The temperature and cooking time may differ from those indicated in the recipe. To make any baked dish successful, use useful information about the features of the ovens!