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Dried fruit jelly

Dried fruit jelly... 8 servings
50 min

Making jelly is a simple activity that even an inexperienced hostess can cope with. But what sets it apart from regular compote? In addition to the pleasant delicate texture that children love so much, jelly is good for the stomach and can be considered not just a drink, but a full-fledged fruit dessert. We start cooking jelly by preparing dried fruits. To begin with, they must be washed well with water. If the drying was harvested on its own, and there is confidence in its purity, rinse once. If dried fruits were bought in a store or market, it is better to fill them with warm water for a while, and then rinse a couple more times. This will surely save you from dirt that fell during the procurement. Place the prepared dried fruits in a saucepan, add sugar and pour water. Bring to a boil over high heat and cook for 20 minutes at an average flame intensity. At the end of the cooking process, leave the resulting compote to cool a little. While the compote cools to a temperature that ensures its safe transfusion, we are engaged in starch. It must be diluted separately in cold water. Pour starch into the water and mix well with a fork so that there are no lumps left. Filter the dried fruit compote through a sieve or colander, return to the pan. Pour water with starch into the compote in a thin stream, constantly stirring the mixture with a fork. We put the future jelly from dried fruits on a medium fire and bring to a boil. There is no need to cook jelly for a long time. As soon as the liquid boils, it can be turned off. This is necessary so that the starch brews and its taste is not felt in the finished jelly. As soon as the jelly is ready, pour it into the carafe and add a few lemon rings. Serve slightly cooled or completely cold to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Dried fruits - 200 g, Water - 2 l, Sugar - 100 g, Starch - 45 g, Lemons - 20 g