Easter egg ecodecore
8 servings1 hour 30 min
Eggs - 8 pcs., Potato starch - 1 tbsp., Water - 150ml, Przeno - 3 tbsp, Wild rice - 2 tbsp, Oatmeal - 5 tbsp., Nuts and seeds - 3 tbsp., Seeds - 1 table, Carnation - to taste, Laurel leaf - 3 pcs., Italian herbs - to taste, chili pepper - to taste, saffron - to taste, basil - to taste, gelatin - 1 tbsp.

Prepare all the ingredients. Take eggs of any category, but better than white color. u Also prepare water and potato starch to make a clayster. You can use cereals (corn, herculean, buckwheat), seasonings and spices (sesame, rosemary, dried herbs, bay leaf, paprika), small buds of flowers, and so on as decor. In general, it all depends on your imagination and the presence of certain cereals, spices at home.

Take the eggs out of the fridge beforehand. Wash the eggs underwater to get rid of dirt particles that may have stayed on the shell and let them lie at room temperature for a while.

Transfer the eggs to a saucepan, cover with warm water. Approximately the same temperature of water and eggs will avoid a sharp temperature drop and will not lead to the formation of cracks in the shell. Place a saucepan of eggs over the heat. After boiling, cook the eggs over a medium heat for 10-12 minutes. Transfer hard-boiled eggs to a container of cold water. This is done in order to make it easier to clean the shell later.

Start cooking the clayster, which will glue the entire eco-decor. Pour 50 ml into the piala. Cold water and pour in potato starch, stir. Pour the remaining 100 ml of water into a bucket and bring the water to a boil. Stir the water with a whisk, inject the starch solution into a thin stream. Continue to cook the clayter for a few minutes, stirring constantly until the mass is thick enough. Then remove the bucket from the heat and allow the clayster to cool.

Remove the cooled eggs from the water and wipe them dry. With the help of a regular brush, apply a clayster to the area of the egg that you plan to cover with cereals or spice.

With the smeared part pressed slightly, lower the egg into the ecodecor, then place the egg on the dish with the secorded part over the top to dry the decor and grab. Do the same with steel eggs.

Go back to the first egg. If the decor has already grabbed, brush the next part of the egg with a clayster and lower it into another cereal or spice. In this way, brush and decorate all parts of the eggs.

Some amount of eco-decor will dry out, but there is nothing wrong with that. If desired, laurel leaves, flower buds, various branches of herbs, and so on can be glued to the clayster on top of this decor.