Filled pancake rolls
8 servings1 hour 40 min
Wheat flour - 100 gr, Milk - 500 ml, Eggs - 3 pcs., Potato starch - 4 tbsp., Sugar - 1 tbsp., Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp., Salt - to taste, Cream cheese - 300 gr., Cucumbers - 1 pc., Semga - 300 gr., Greens - to taste

How to make pancake rolls with stuffing? Prepare the products. First thing for pancakes. Milk is suitable for any fat content, S1 category eggs, odorless vegetable oil, refined. Potato starch, it is needed so that pancakes come out more elastic and do not tear when folding.

Knock the eggs into a bowl, add the sugar and salt. Whisk them together until smooth.

Heat the milk to a warm state - flour will disperse better in a warm liquid. Pour half the total amount of milk into the egg mass and stir with a whisk.

Sift through the flour and starch. It is important to sift through the flour to saturate it with oxygen. Then the pastry will turn out to be airy and will rise well when baking.

Start pouring flour into the egg-and-milk mixture in portions, kneading it well with a whisk after each addition. It should turn out a homogeneous dough without lumps.

Pour in the remaining half of the milk, stir. At the end, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. It will help avoid pancakes sticking when frying.

Heat a pancake pan over a high heat (I have a non-stick one). Brush it with an odorless drop of vegetable oil. With a ladle, pour the dough into the middle of the pan and, rotating it in a circle, distribute it evenly throughout the bottom.

Fry the pancake until browned, then flip to the other side and also fire until ruddy. Remove the finished pancake on a plate. Fire pancakes from the whole dough in this way. It is no longer necessary to lubricate the pan.

Of this amount of dough, I got 11 pancakes d18cm. They are a little denser than usual because of the starch. Cool the finished pancakes completely.

Prepare the products for filling. I'll use lightly salted salmon, cucumber and cream cheese. You can also add avocado, caviar, any red fish, herbs.

Wash the cucumber, cut off the tips. The skin, if it is not rough, not damaged and not bitter, does not need to be cut. Cut the cucumber into thin, long strips

Cut the semgu (or other red fish) into strips as well.

Grab a pancake and spread it with a thin layer of cream cheese, leaving a little space on one edge. Cheese like Almette, Cremette, Violette is suitable. If using greens, sprinkle it on top of the cheese.

Lay closer to the completely lubricated edge on a pancake of cucumber and fish strips (or other components of the filling). If the length of the cucumber or fish is not enough for the entire width, then supplement them with other pieces so that the filling goes from edge to edge.

Roll the pancake into a roll.

Stuff all pancakes in this way. Put them in the refrigerator for an hour - this will make them more convenient to cut.

Cut pancakes into rolls about 3cm wide.

Put them on a plate. For convenience, you can hold each roll together with a toothpick or skewer. Serve the rolls to the table, you can decorate them with greens. Enjoy your meal!