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Rabbit fricase in wine sauce

Rabbit fricase in wine sauce... 6 servings
2 hours

The cream, mustard and onion sauce gives the finished dish a savoury and special taste worthy of a festive table in the restaurant design. It may seem that cooking this dish is very difficult, but this is not the case - everyone can cope. So, first of all, we cut the rabbit into portions. If it has been frozen, we defrost it beforehand. In a large bowl, salt the meat and rewrite it well so that each piece is salted. Leave the meat at room temperature for 30-45 minutes for salting. In a large frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and fry all the pieces of rabbit. It is important that when frying, the pieces are roasted from all sides and do not touch each other. If there is too much meat, and the pan is not large, fry the meat in parts. Before frying, wipe each piece with a dry towel from excess moisture and salt. Once all the rabbit pieces are fried, fold into a bowl and start making the sauce. My shallots, dry and finely chop. Fry the onions in the same pan in which the rabbit was fried. After a few minutes, when the onion is soft, add the wine, stir the contents with a spatula and simmer for 5 minutes. Add mustard, thyme to the sauce, pour in water and bring to a boil. Add salt, if necessary to taste. Put the rabbit pieces back in the pan, check that each of them is evenly covered with sauce. Cover and simmer over a minimum heat for 45 minutes. This time is necessary for the meat to become soft, tender and literally behind the bone. When the meat is completely ready, we take it out and put it on a plate. Add cream and parsley to the remaining sauce, increase the heat slightly and simmer until its amount halves and the sauce thickens. Pour the sauce over the rabbit, season with parsley and serve hot. The finished dish is perfect with red wine and crispy white bread. Enjoy your meal!

Rabbit - 1.2 kg, Butter - 80 g, Shallots - 120 g, White wine - 120 ml, Water - 120 ml, Dijon mustard - 100 g, Thyme, thyme - 5 g, Cream - 120 ml, Parsley - 30 g, Salt - to taste