Vanilla chocolate striped custard easter
4 servings3 hours
Cottage cheese - 500 gr, Cream - 150 gr, Egg yolks - 2 pcs., Butter - 50 gr, Sugar - 120 gr, Bitter chocolate - 100 gr, Vanillin - 1 gr

Pour sugar into melted butter.

Separate the yolks from the proteins and add to the bowl.

Add Cream.

Mix everything well with a blender.

Put in vanillin.

Add cottage cheese to this mass (homemade is better). And beat the whole mass with a blender until smooth. If you don't have a blender, the curd must be pre-wiped through a sieve to make the Easter feel tender and smooth.

It turns out such a homogeneous beautiful and fragrant curd cream. We heat Easter in a water bath until it "puffs, " i. e. almost to the boil. All this time you need to stir it, otherwise the cottage cheese will stick to the walls of the dishes. How it boils, remove from the fire and cool.

Break bitter chocolate into wedges and melt. Milk chocolate can be used.

Decompose the curd mass into 2 bowls. Add melted chocolate to one. And it is good to stir it to a uniform color.

We get 2 beautiful curd masses white - vanilla and chocolate.

Collect the form, put it in a plate where the serum will flow, and line the shape with gauze. One layer is enough.

We lay out the first layer of white vanilla cottage cheese.

Then the layer is chocolate.

Again vanilla white and finish with chocolate mass. We cover with gauze and put a small load - 0. 2 liters of a can of water is quite enough.

The first serum begins to stand out already without cargo. We send to a cold place until morning. In the morning, drain the serum, unfold the gauze top layer, put the plate on the mold and turn it over.