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Homemade honey moonshine

Homemade honey moonshine... 10 servings
18 days

Honey - 1 kg, Water - 3 l, Dry yeast - 15 g
How to make honey moonshine at home? Prepare the p... How to make honey moonshine at home? Prepare the products. Any honey, even old, even old in honeycombs, is suitable for making moonshine (in this case, the braga will have to be strained). Today I have dry, but you can take fresh ones.
Add the honey to the water, bring to a boil and co... Add the honey to the water, bring to a boil and cook, removing the foam, for about 10 minutes over a low heat.
Chill the syrup to room temperature and then trans... Chill the syrup to room temperature and then transfer it to a fermentation container.
Pour warm water over the yeast. To prevent yeast a... Pour warm water over the yeast. To prevent yeast activity from dying, the water temperature must be no more than 40 degrees. Read more about this at the end of the recipe.
Wait for the yeast to activate - a foam & quot; ca... Wait for the yeast to activate - a foam & quot; cap & quot; forms on the surface. Usually, if the yeast is fresh, it takes about 10 minutes. Pour the yeast water into the fermentation tank.
Mix everything. The fermentation tank shall be fil... Mix everything. The fermentation tank shall be filled by 2/3. It is better to take glass jars of large volume for these purposes.
Top the jar with a disposable glove, then remove i... Top the jar with a disposable glove, then remove it to a warm, dark spot. The temperature should be between 20 and 28 degrees.
When the glove is put on, it means fermentation ha... When the glove is put on, it means fermentation has begun. It can last from 10 to 18 days. I went on for 14 days.
As soon as the glove is deflated, the braga is rea... As soon as the glove is deflated, the braga is ready for distillation. If you use ordinary honey, not in honeycombs, you do not need to filter it. Fill the braga in the moonshine. Strain the braga on the honeycombs through a gauze sieve.
Assemble the moonshine according to the instructio... Assemble the moonshine according to the instructions. If this is provided by your model, connect all cold water hoses. Put on a small heat. Once the temperature reaches 70 degrees, turn on the cold water. During the entire distillation time, monitor the temperature - it should not rise above 80 degrees. Assemble the resulting moonshine into a separate container. It is ready to use, but I recommend doing a second distillation.
In this case, the product will be cleaner, without... In this case, the product will be cleaner, without extraneous odors. To do this, dilute the resulting moonshine to a strength of 20 degrees (for this, take 1 ml of water per 500 liter of moonshine). Pour the resulting moonshine into the apparatus and repeat the distillation in the same manner. But in the second distillation, separately collect the first 100 ml and the last 100 ml of the resulting moonshine - this product must be poured out, it is saturated with fusel oils and harmful to humans.
Bottle the remaining moonshine received and let it... Bottle the remaining moonshine received and let it brew for a couple of days. Observe the measure when drinking alcohol!