Alum wort beer at home

17 days 35 min
1. Dilute kvass wort concentrate into 10L of water, add glucose (it can be poured with 300-800 g depending on the desired% alcohol)
2. Bring the mixture to a boil of
3. Pour in 15g hops (love a more bitter hop beer, add more), boil for 50 min
4. Now add another 5g hops, coriander and boil for 10 minutes
5. Fill the yeast in 100ml of boiled water at room temperature. Let them stand and activate.
5. Add zest (optional) to the wort, hold for 2-3 minutes
6. Filter the wort and cool until 20-22S.
7. Cover the yeast wort with a loose lid and wrap the stretch with film. You can close the lid tightly, but then you must definitely install a hydraulic lock. Place the beer container on fermentation in a darkened place at 20-22S temperature.
8. After 2 weeks, carefully drain the yeast, add 8-10g/liter (the more carbonated it turns out) glucose (dextrose) and pour into the bottles. Pour not under the cover. When swirling the bottle, squeeze it to squeeze out the air. When the bottles are firm, place them upside down in a cold place (such as a refrigerator) the yeast will settle on top. They can be removed (part) by slightly opening the lid and holding the bottle upside down above the sink. Beer will leak and wash them out.
9. Withstand ready-made beer for 2-3 weeks and can be tasted. A feature is noticed: the smell of orange began to appear only after 2 weeks. The highest intensity reached after
1. 5 months.
Kvass wort - 1300 g, Sugar - 500 g, Hops - 20 g, Yeast - 5 g, Kinza, coriander - 10 g, Orange zest - 20 g, Water - 10 l