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Tincture on the root of kalgan on moonshine

Tincture on the root of kalgan on moonshine... 6 servings
10 days

Moonshine - 500 ml, Roots - 2 tea liters, Honey - 1 tea liter, Coffee - 3 g
To prepare this tincture, you will need: kalgan ro... To prepare this tincture, you will need: kalgan root, licorice, honey, coffee grains and moonshine.
Pour dried kalgan rhizomes into a clean, dry conta... Pour dried kalgan rhizomes into a clean, dry container.
Add a teaspoon of crushed dry licorice (it is also... Add a teaspoon of crushed dry licorice (it is also called liquorice in a different way).
Now is the time to add whole coffee grains. It is ... Now is the time to add whole coffee grains. It is not necessary to grind them, they will already give the tincture all their aroma perfectly.
After that, add a teaspoon of liquid honey to the ... After that, add a teaspoon of liquid honey to the container. If you have candied honey, it must be melted in a water bath beforehand.
And the last stage: pour the resulting dry mixture... And the last stage: pour the resulting dry mixture with moonshine.
Mix the future tincture thoroughly and cover the c... Mix the future tincture thoroughly and cover the container with a lid or paper napkin. Leave the tincture to ripen for at least seven days, and ideally ten or more days.
This is what Kalganovka should look like on the th... This is what Kalganovka should look like on the third day of infusion. Mix the contents thoroughly every day for a better mixing of all the ingredients.
Before serving, the tincture must be strained. To ... Before serving, the tincture must be strained. To do this, take a strainer and four cosmetic cotton pads. Distribute the cotton pads on the bottom. Put the strainer on the funnel. And strain the tincture into the bottle or decanter in which you plan to store the drink.