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Tincture kelganovka on moonshine

Tincture kelganovka on moonshine... 6 servings
10 days

Kalgan root has a mass of useful substances and is widely used in folk medicine. Kelganovka or kalganovka is prepared on the basis of both dry kalgan rhizomes and fresh ones. Fresh roots should be taken 10-15% less than the amount indicated in the recipe. These roots give the tincture a beautiful cognac color and pleasant tart. I buy dried kalgan and licorice without any problems at the nearest pharmacy. Many people do not like the taste of licorice, but in this tincture it is unobtrusive and only slightly pronounced. It is possible to replace it with honey. At the exit, the tincture will be 2-3 degrees less than the strength of the original alcohol if dry rhizomes were used. If fresh, then the degree will be even less. Kelganovka boasts a chic aroma and a very interesting taste. After trying it once, we cook it again and again. The only thing to remember: excessive alcohol consumption negatively affects health. It should be in moderation. Nice tasting!

Moonshine - 0.6 liters, Roots - 3 tea liters, Coffee - 5 grams
How to make Kelganovka tincture on moonshine? Prep... How to make Kelganovka tincture on moonshine? Prepare products and a high capacity in which you will make a tincture. Ideal for it to have a measuring scale. Add crushed dried kalgan roots to the prepared container (erect in a different way).
Next, add dry licorice roots to the container (it ... Next, add dry licorice roots to the container (it is also called licorice root or liquorice).
Put coffee grains in the same place. I recommend a... Put coffee grains in the same place. I recommend adding at least ten whole coffee grains to the indicated amount of moonshine. So both taste and aroma will be amazing.
Finally, fill the resulting dry mixture with moons... Finally, fill the resulting dry mixture with moonshine.
Cover the container with a tincture with a paper n... Cover the container with a tincture with a paper napkin and leave to ripen for at least seven to ten days. During this time, stir the tincture once every day.
This is what Kelganovka should look like on the se... This is what Kelganovka should look like on the second day of ripening. After ten days, filter the resulting tincture through several layers of gauze. This is where the cooking process is over: the tincture is ready to be served.