Raspberry tincture on vodka

30 days 20 minutes
Raspberries are known for their healing properties in the fight against colds. A similar effect is found in raspberries due to the content of salicylic acid in its composition, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Of course, consultation with your doctor is recommended before you start using raspberry tincture for medicinal or preventive purposes. The recipe for cooking, as always, is extremely simple. We go through raspberry berries, dry mine. Having put raspberries in a liter jar, fill it with high-quality vodka. Then we close the lid and put it in a dark cool place (closet or pantry). After a month and a half, the tincture should be eaten and poured into a bottle. It is recommended to store raspberry tincture in a dark place. At the first sign of an approaching disease, two tablespoons are diluted in liquid and consumed overnight.
Raspberry - 750 g, Vodka - 500 ml