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Homemade orange lemonade

Homemade orange lemonade... 6 servings
4 hours

Oranges - 1 pc., Sugar - 200 g, Water - 2 l, Citric acid - 0.3 tea liters.
How to make homemade lemonade from oranges? Prepar... How to make homemade lemonade from oranges? Prepare everything you need for this. Only one orange is needed for lemonade itself. But if you want to add a few slices to a carafe or glasses, then have another in stock. For lemonade, choose a bigger orange. I have it weighing 280 grams. Rinse it thoroughly and pour boiling water over it.
Put the orange in the freezer for 2-3 hours to fre... Put the orange in the freezer for 2-3 hours to freeze. Then pull out and let it warm at room temperature so it can be easily chopped. Why freeze an orange? After defrosting, there will be more juice from it and the bitterness that comes from the peel will go away.
Cut the thawed orange into pieces, remove the bone... Cut the thawed orange into pieces, remove the bones and place in a cup of shredder.
Grind the orange to a fine state. It is not necess... Grind the orange to a fine state. It is not necessary to grind to the state of mashed potatoes.
Place the crushed orange in a saucepan and pour 50... Place the crushed orange in a saucepan and pour 500ml of water. Stir and leave to stand for 30-40 minutes to allow the drink to infuse.
Then strain the drink through a fine sieve. Add an... Then strain the drink through a fine sieve. Add another 1. 5 liters of water, sugar and citric acid to the strained drink. Mix everything well until the sugar dissolves and put the drink in the refrigerator to brew a little and cool. By the amount of sugar, focus on your taste and sweetness of the orange itself.
For a quick chill, add a few ice cubes to the drin... For a quick chill, add a few ice cubes to the drink glass. Such a drink is stored for 24 hours at room temperature. But it drinks much faster. Nice treat!