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Cocktail mojito alcoholic

Cocktail mojito alcoholic... 1 serving
10 min

Mint - 2 g, Lemons - 0.5 pcs., Mineral water - 150 mL, Rum - 40 mL
How to make a cocktail Mojito alcoholic? Prepare a... How to make a cocktail Mojito alcoholic? Prepare all the necessary products. Traditionally, Sprite is used in Mojito, so I advise you to take this carbonated water, but you can also use ordinary mineral carbonated water. The key to a delicious cocktail is fresh lemon and mint, dried mint will not work. Lemon can be replaced with lime. But, despite what citrus fruit you take, it must be washed very well, because it will be used with peel
Wash lemon or lime with very hot water - this way ... Wash lemon or lime with very hot water - this way the fruit will release more juice and give it to the drink. In principle, you can also take ready-made lemon or lime juice from factory production to prepare the drink. Cut the lemon into semicircles. Their thickness should be about 2-3 mm. Rinse mint very well with warm water, dry and chop coarsely, you can also just tear it with your hands.
Put the chopped lemon and mint in a bowl, mash wit... Put the chopped lemon and mint in a bowl, mash with a mortar. You can also rub with a spoon, fork or pusher. Our goal is that mint and lemon give their juice and aroma to the fullest.
Put the lemon, mint and the released juice in a se... Put the lemon, mint and the released juice in a serving glass. By the way, it is not at all necessary to cook Mojito immediately in glasses: if you have gathered in a large company, you can make a cocktail in a large decanter or jug.
Pour into a glass of sprite. Do not forget to cool... Pour into a glass of sprite. Do not forget to cool it well first! In my opinion, the sprite is sweet enough water, but suddenly you are gathered by a girl's company of sweet tooth, then you can also add sugar to your taste.
Last of all, gently pour in the rum. Rum is a stro... Last of all, gently pour in the rum. Rum is a strong enough drink, but you can also use slightly less strong drinks to make Mojito: vodka, gin or whiskey. You can add crushed ice to the finished cocktail, but in my opinion, ice is the same water and it will simply dilute the finished drink. It is better to immediately take a well-cooled sprite and rum. Act as you are more comfortable.
Serve Mojito's homemade rum cocktail straight to t... Serve Mojito's homemade rum cocktail straight to the table. He is very good at refreshing, but also quickly intoxicating. Observe the measure when drinking alcoholic beverages!