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Ginger tincture on vodka

Ginger tincture on vodka... 20 servings
12 days

1. Wash the ginger, dry with paper towels.

2. You don't need to peel ginger - just cut it into thin plates (5-7mm thick).

3. Fold the cut ginger into a jar.

4. Pour vodka into the jar, close tightly with a lid and put it in a dark place. Room temperature. Shake the jar well once a couple of days.

5. After 5 days, taste the tincture. It should be with a pronounced aroma. If it seems to you that the drink did not insist enough, leave it under the lid. On average, the tincture is maintained for 7-12 days.

6. When the tincture is ready, strain it through a layered gauze that needs to be lined with a fine sieve.

7. Pour the strained tincture into a bottle, keep cool. Fun holidays!

Ginger - 150 gr, Vodka - 750ml