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Egg feet drink

Egg feet drink... 2 servings
1 day

Milk - 250 ml, Whiskey - 80 ml, Cream - 75 ml, Sugar - 75 g, Eggs - 2 pcs., Cloves - 2 pcs., Cinnamon stick - 1 pc., Nutmeg - 0.25 china liters, Vanillin - 1 g, Salt - 1 g
How to make an egg feet drink? To make alcoholic N... How to make an egg feet drink? To make alcoholic New Year's Eve leg egg, prepare the necessary ingredients. Take large selected eggs. If the eggs are small, it is better to take 3 pieces or 3 yolks and 2 proteins. Measure all spices and sugar to your liking as well. If you have a favorite ingredient - cinnamon, then it can be added not only in the form of a stick, but also in powder. If you want a soft drink option - just don't add bourbon to it.
Pour the milk into the saucepan, add the cloves, c... Pour the milk into the saucepan, add the cloves, cinnamon stick, nutmeg, vanillin and salt.
Place the saucepan over a small heat and warm the ... Place the saucepan over a small heat and warm the milk until strong steam flows from it, but do not bring to the boil. It is advisable to stir milk often so that it does not stick to the bottom of the saute pan.
Remove the milk from the heat and let it brew at r... Remove the milk from the heat and let it brew at room temperature.
Separate the proteins from the yolks. Put the squi... Separate the proteins from the yolks. Put the squirrels in the refrigerator. Pour sugar into the yolks and rub off the finished goods with a whisk or beat with a mixer.
Strain the still warm spicy milk through a fine si... Strain the still warm spicy milk through a fine sieve.
With constant stirring (or whipping) in a thin str... With constant stirring (or whipping) in a thin stream, pour the flavoured milk into the whipped yolks. Milk foam may appear on the surface, this is normal, it will settle as it cools and infuses.
Pour the resulting mixture back into the saucepan ... Pour the resulting mixture back into the saucepan and put on a medium heat. Heat the mixture, stirring constantly, for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 70 ° C. It is better to monitor the temperature using a culinary thermometer.
If there is no cooking thermometer, lower a metal ... If there is no cooking thermometer, lower a metal spoon into the drink for a few seconds and remove. The milk mixture should drain from the spoon, leaving behind a whitish film.
Pour the cream into the saucepan and mix. Then get... Pour the cream into the saucepan and mix. Then get it out of the fire. Wait for the leg egg to cool and, stirring constantly, pour in the bourbon.
Put the drink in the fridge for 3-4 hours, or bett... Put the drink in the fridge for 3-4 hours, or better for the night. With a long infusion, it is better to tighten the sauté pan with cling film so that the aroma of the drink does not weather.
Whisk the cold whites into a thick, shiny foam bef... Whisk the cold whites into a thick, shiny foam before serving.
With constant stirring, add them to the infused dr... With constant stirring, add them to the infused drink.
Mix the egg legs thoroughly until the ingredients ... Mix the egg legs thoroughly until the ingredients are fully combined. If you don't eat raw eggs, then you can simply skip this step. I warmed up the drink a little so that it was warm - in this form I like it more.
Pour the finished drink over the glasses, sprinkle... Pour the finished drink over the glasses, sprinkle with grated nutmeg and serve. Enjoy your meal!