Beef baked in a slow cooker
4 servings3 hours
Beef - 800 gr, Mustard - 100 gr, Soy sauce - 100 ml, Garlic - 4 teeth, Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp, Salt - to taste, Ground black pepper - to taste

We will prepare the necessary products. Rinse and dry the meat well.

Tie the meat tightly with threads, so it will hold the necessary shape well.

In order for the meat not to lose its juiciness, it must be fried. Fry meat in vegetable oil for 1-2 minutes on each side.

Let's prepare the marinade. Mix soy sauce, mustard, put the meat in the marinade. Salt, pepper to taste. We leave to marinate for 30-60 minutes. Next, put the meat on the foil, pepper with garlic.

Wrap the meat with foil for reliability in two layers. Wrap thoroughly so that the juice does not drain.

Place the meat in the bowl of the slow cooker. Close the cover.

Install the program & quot; Baking & quot; on the 1 - 2 hours. Remember that the cooking time depends on the power of your slow cooker. I have 800 watts of slow cooker power. I set for 1 hour 40 minutes.

The meat cuts perfectly, not dry at all!

Tender and soft meat is ready!

Try it!

Enjoy your meal!