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Pilaf on a stove in a chicken kazan

Pilaf on a stove in a chicken kazan... 8 servings
1 hour 40 min

Steamed rice - 400 gr, Chicken fillet - 600 gr, Water - 900 ml, Barbaris - 20 g, Onions - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Vegetable oil - 50 ml, Garlic - 3 teeth, Turmeric - 1 tea, Paprika - 1 tea, Khmeli-suneli - 1 tea, Zira - 0.5 tea liters, ground black pepper - to taste, Salt - to taste
How to make a homemade pilaf on a stove in a chick... How to make a homemade pilaf on a stove in a chicken Kazan? Very simple! First, prepare the necessary ingredients according to the list. In addition to chicken fillet, you can take any other parts of boneless chicken, such as meat from the hips or lower legs. Pilaf can be cooked without turmeric and barberry, but we cook with these ingredients - neither give the dish a rich yellow color, aroma and a light sourness.
Rinse the rice thoroughly to clear water. Rice can... Rinse the rice thoroughly to clear water. Rice can be used by anyone. You can special for pilaf, but other varieties are suitable, it is only important that the cereal is steamed, then it will retain its shape and not boil. I have golden steamed rice.
Wash the chicken fillet, dry and cut into small pi... Wash the chicken fillet, dry and cut into small pieces.
Peel the carrots. Cut the carrots into small bars.... Peel the carrots. Cut the carrots into small bars. You can grate the carrots on a coarse grater, but they are usually added to the pilaf in chopped pieces so that they do not boil during heat treatment and retain their shape.
Peel the onion. You can cut into small or medium c... Peel the onion. You can cut into small or medium cubes. If you do not like to feel the onion in the finished pilaf, you can cut it larger, like me, or even leave the onion whole so that later you can easily remove it.
In a 4. 5-5L cauldron over just above average heat... In a 4. 5-5L cauldron over just above average heat the vegetable oil. Lay out the chicken, onions and carrots and fry, stirring, for 7-10 minutes.
Pour rice into the cauldron, add all the spices, b... Pour rice into the cauldron, add all the spices, bay leaves, barberry and whole unpeeled garlic cloves. If the cloves are small, then you can increase their number by 2 times or generally add a whole washed head of garlic in the husk to the pilaf. As they say, you can't spoil pilaf with garlic, it will only be more aromatic.
Pour warm or slightly hot water along the edge so ... Pour warm or slightly hot water along the edge so that it completely covers all the ingredients in the cauldron with 1-2 fingers. At the same time, rice with meat and spices does not need to be mixed. Everything should remain layers.
Bring the water to a boil. Cover the cauldron with... Bring the water to a boil. Cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer the pilaf for about 30 minutes or a little longer until the rice is cooked. Do not mix pilaf at this time. Try rice for readiness. It should be soft, but not boiled. Remove the finished pilaf from the heat and let it brew under the lid for about 25 minutes so that the rice absorbs excess moisture.
Before serving, stir the pilaf, place on a dish an... Before serving, stir the pilaf, place on a dish and sprinkle with chopped greens if desired. It can be cilantro, parsley, etc. Enjoy your meal!