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Apple jam pie

Apple jam pie... 8 servings
3 hours

Milk - 240 g, Wheat flour - 450 g, Eggs - 1 pc., Sugar - 2 tbsp., Salt - 1 tea liter, Butter - 45 g, Dry yeast - 7 g, Jam - 500 g, Egg yolks - 1 pc.
To make apple pie, first of all, you need to prepa... To make apple pie, first of all, you need to prepare yeast dough. To do this, take warm milk and stir dry yeast in it. Let stand for about 5 minutes.
Then add soft butter, egg, salt and sugar to the y... Then add soft butter, egg, salt and sugar to the yeast mass.
Sift the required amount of flour through a sieve ... Sift the required amount of flour through a sieve and, little by little, pour into a bowl and knead the dough.
The finished dough should not stick to the hands. ... The finished dough should not stick to the hands. Knead it well with your hands. Then place the dough in a warm place and cover with a towel. Leave it for 1 hour to fit. During this time, the dough should increase in volume.
This amount of dough will last for 2 pies, 22 cm i... This amount of dough will last for 2 pies, 22 cm in diameter. Cover the bottom of the detachable baking dish with cooking paper. Divide the dough into 2 pies. From half the dough, cut 1/3 for the top of the pie. And roll out the remaining 2/3 of the dough and line the bottom of the mold.
Lay out the apple jam and spread evenly over the e... Lay out the apple jam and spread evenly over the entire dough surface, not reaching the edge of 1-2 cm. Roll the deposited 1/3 dough and cut into strips. Spread these strips over the entire surface of the pie with a mesh, attaching at the edges to the dough.
Use a brush to brush the top of the pie with egg y... Use a brush to brush the top of the pie with egg yolk. Let the pie stand for 10-15 minutes in the heat. Then put the cake in the oven, warmed to 180 degrees, for 30 minutes (about). Navigate your oven.
The finished pie will be a mouth-watering golden c... The finished pie will be a mouth-watering golden colour. And throughout the kitchen there will be a fragrance of fresh, homemade baking. Remove the pie from the tin and cool a little. Have a nice tea party!