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Blood sausage pie

Blood sausage pie... 6 servings
2 hours

First, we will deal with the dough: In a deep bowl, sift the flour with a slide, make a small depression with your hand and pour water with vegetable oil. Salt and mix the dough so that it remains soft and does not stick to your hands. Roll the dough into a sausage and, wrapped with cling film, send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Now we cook the filling: Cut brisket, onions, potatoes and blood sausage into small cubes. We also cut small majorán. Put the tar in the pan and heat it over a low heat. Add onions and brisket to it, fry until the onions are soft. We put the potatoes and fry until tender - about 20 minutes. The final stage will be the addition of a bloodthirsty with a majorán. Salt and pepper the finished filling to taste, mix. Cut the apple into pieces, spray with lemon juice. We move on to the final stage of cooking: We roll out the dough into a thin layer, stretch it over a baking sheet greased with a little butter. Stepping 10 cm from the edge, lay out a salty filling, and apples on top of it. We wrap the dough and edges so that the pie turns out to be in the form of a tube, cut off the excess. Grease the cake with pre-melted butter and bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. The cooking time will depend on the type of oven - on average, it is 30-40 minutes. Pie is ready, pleasant appetite!

Wheat flour - 150 g, Water - 80 ml, Vegetable oil - 15 ml, Salt - 1.5 g, Salt - to taste, Pork belly - 50 gr, Onions - 80 gr, Potatoes - 400 gr, Blood sausage - 150 gr, Majoran fresh - 20 gr, Pork fat - 20 gr, Ground black pepper - to taste, Apples - 100 gr, Lemon juice - 40 ml, Butter - 20 gr