Strawberry and streisel pie
10 servings2 hours
Butter - 50 gr, Sugar - 75 gr, Wheat flour - 75 gr, Salt - to taste, Vanilla - to taste, Butter - 150 gr, Sugar - 100 gr, Eggs - 3 pcs., Wheat flour - 150 gr, Corn starch - 30 gr, Baking powder - 5 gr, Strawberry - 250 gr

To begin with, we will prepare a streusel (streusel crumb, sugar crumb, flour. . . . she has many names) What will be needed: Butter, I have 82% fat, cold. Flour, sugar, salt, vanillin.

I connect everything and rub it into crumbs with my hands. While I put it in the refrigerator.

Then the dough. For him you will need: Eggs of the first category, room temperature. Butter, I have 82% fat, softened. Flour, cornstarch. Baking powder, salt, sugar, vanillin.

Combine the sieved flour with starch and baking powder, mix and set aside while.

Whisk the oil until white and fluffy (4-5 minutes). Do not overplay carefully.

Add salt, vanillin. In 2 runs, sugar, beating well each time (for a minute)

Then one egg, beating just as well after each. The mass should be light, lush, homogeneous, creamy.

Then the dry ingredients in one go.

The dough should be homogeneous, creamy.

I will bake in a shape of 20 * 20. The bottom and sides were greased with vegetable oil and laid with parchment paper.

I pour out the dough, level it.

My strawberries, dry, peel, cut into slices about 5mm thick.

I put it tightly on top of the dough. This is such a beauty.

From above I evenly distribute the strizzled crumbs. After the refrigerator, it will be crumbly and dense. I send to the preheated oven to 170 degrees, bake for 50-55 minutes.

I check my readiness with a wooden stick.

In shape, I let you cool down completely. Then I take it out and. . . .

The pie is ready! You can call everyone for tea: ) The combination is excellent, the pie is very tasty. And berries can be used absolutely any. Join!!!

Tender, creamy, cake pastry, fragrant strawberries and crispy, sweet crust. Fast, simple, delicious. P. S on the second day from the fridge, the pie is even tastier. And berries can be used absolutely any.