Meat pie with egg inside
8 servings1 hour 20 min
Finished layered yeast dough - 500 grams, Minced meat - 500 grams, Bulb onions - 1 piece, Garlic - 2 teeth, Salt - 0.5 tea liters, Ground black pepper - 0.5 tea liters, Chicken eggs - 4 pieces.

Add salt and pepper to the minced meat. I fried the onions and garlic in vegetable oil and also added everything to the stuffing. you can add your favorite condiments to the mince.

thaw the dough at room temperature. roll it out a bit. lay out half the minced meat. on top we put 3 eggs boiled in a steep, cut into halves.

put the remaining half of the minced meat on top.

cut the dough into strips and & quot; cover & quot; our pie

spread over the top with beaten egg. if desired, you can sprinkle sesame, as I did or seasoning. we put the pie in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 1 hour. I put on the 3 position of the tray out of 4.

Our pie is ready, you can chop and eat. Enjoy your meal!