Meat pie with onion rice and bell pepper
12 servings45 min
Minced meat - 500 g, Wheat flour - 300 g, Steamed rice - 230 gr, Butter - 25 gr, Sour cream - 4 tbsp, Sugar - 1 tea, Chicken eggs - 1 pc., Onions - 1 pc., Bell pepper - 1 pc., Dry yeast - 1 tea, Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp, Water - 150 ml, Khmeli-suneli - to taste, ground black pepper - to taste, ground red pepper - to taste, Zira - to taste, Salt - to taste

We prepare minced beef + 50/50 pork, boil rice, bake bell peppers, fry one head of bulb onions until transparent and prepare the necessary spiced products.

To activate yeast in a container with water, add one teaspoon of yeast, one teaspoon of sugar, five teaspoons of flour, stir thoroughly with a whisk and remove it into a warm oven for twenty minutes.

Add five hundred grams of minced meat to the fried onion until transparent and stir fry for about five minutes, adding a little vegetable oil, salt and suneli hops to taste.

Pour the raised yeast into a large bowl, break one chicken egg, add twenty-five grams of softened butter, salt to taste and mix all the ingredients well.

Add three hundred grams of flour sifted through a sieve to a large bowl, mix and form the resulting dough into a ball, mix it well on the floured surface of the table and put the dough in the bag, remove it for one hour in a warm place.

We take out the dough from the plastic bag, put it on a surface sprinkled with flour and wrap it well. From most of the dough, we make a thin cake and put it in a mold greased with vegetable oil, equalizing the edges. Then, to raise the dough, cover it with a towel for fifteen minutes. Grease the shaped dough with vegetable oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Remove the skin from the bell pepper and cut it into thin straws. Put the first layer of boiled rice, salt and pepper to taste, add the second layer of pepper straws, which we cover with a layer of fried minced meat.

Prepare the sauce and add two varieties of pepper, zira, to the bowl with sour cream and mix well. Put the remaining bell peppers on the mince and add sour cream sauce on top.

We roll the rest of the dough to a thin oblong cake, from which we cut ribbons, and make cuts on them with a knife.

On top of the pie, place the prepared dough ribbons and blind them with the base, then cover the pie with a towel and remove them for thirty minutes in a warm place for proofing. Before baking, grease the cake with beaten egg and send it to the oven heated to one hundred and eighty degrees for twenty-five minutes.

Let the pie stand with the oven turned off for about seven minutes, then grease it with butter, decorate it with herbs on top and slice it into portions on the dish. Pleasant To all appetite!