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Lemon merengue tart

Lemon merengue tart... 10 servings
1 hour 10 min

Wheat flour - 120 g, Butter - 60 g, Water - 2 tbsp, Sugar - 1 tea liter, Salt - to taste, Butter - 55 g, Sugar - 50 g, Lemons - 2 pcs., Chicken eggs - 2 pcs., Sugar - 160 g, Egg whites - 2 pcs.
We prepare products for the test. Sift through the... We prepare products for the test. Sift through the flour. Oil should be cold, and water or serum should be ice cold.
In a blender bowl or with your hands in a bowl, qu... In a blender bowl or with your hands in a bowl, quickly mix flour, salt, sugar and cold butter. We get a mass in the form of crumbs. Add serum (water) to it in one tablespoon. The dough should be soft and tender. I had enough 2 spoons of water to make it that way.
Wrap the dough in film and send it to the refriger... Wrap the dough in film and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
While the dough is in the refrigerator, we start p... While the dough is in the refrigerator, we start preparing the filling. We take products for the lemon Kurd. My lemons.
We rub the zest of lemons on the smallest grater. ... We rub the zest of lemons on the smallest grater.
Put lemon zest, sugar in a saucepan and knock in e... Put lemon zest, sugar in a saucepan and knock in eggs.
Squeeze juice from lemons. ... Squeeze juice from lemons.
Filter lemon juice into a saucepan through a sieve... Filter lemon juice into a saucepan through a sieve.
We mix the future filling with a whisk until homog... We mix the future filling with a whisk until homogeneous and put it on a small fire. Cook until thickened, without ceasing to interfere.
Then add the butter and mix the kurd until complet... Then add the butter and mix the kurd until completely homogeneous.
We cover the Kurd with a film so that it touches t... We cover the Kurd with a film so that it touches the cream - so a crust does not form on its surface. We send the Kurd to the refrigerator so that it freezes a little.
By this time, the dough has time to cool down. We ... By this time, the dough has time to cool down. We roll it into a layer with a thickness of 2-3 mm on a working surface dusted with flour.
Put the dough in a baking tin, carefully cut the s... Put the dough in a baking tin, carefully cut the side of the cake (its height should be 4 cm), prop the side with crumpled foil or put a sheet of parchment and pour peas or beans on top. We put the mold with bark in the preheated oven and bake at 200 degrees. to a ruddy color.
Merengue products. Egg whites are placed in a deep... Merengue products. Egg whites are placed in a deep bowl that can be placed in a water bath.
Mix proteins and sugar in a bowl. Put the bowl in ... Mix proteins and sugar in a bowl. Put the bowl in a water bath and stir until the sugar dissolves. As soon as the mass fades a little, we begin to beat it with a mixer or whisk. And when it thickens a little, remove the bowl from the bath and beat the cream until it is dense, shiny and forms medium peaks. So ready meringue!
This is what ready-made bark looks like. We start ... This is what ready-made bark looks like. We start collecting tart.
We take out the lemon kurd from the refrigerator a... We take out the lemon kurd from the refrigerator and put it on the cake.
We put the meringue on top, distributing it over t... We put the meringue on top, distributing it over the entire surface of the tart. Put on the top shelf of the oven or under the grill for 4 minutes to make the meringue brown slightly.
My meringue grabbed during this time with a crisp ... My meringue grabbed during this time with a crisp on top, and inside it turned out to be tender. Here's our delicious dessert ready! We pour coffee tea and enjoy it!