Dill and rice chicken coop

3 hours 20 min
According to this recipe, the pie consists of two types of dough - puff and pancake - and three types of filling. If the puff dough is already ready, then it is advisable to start preparing the pie with the preparation of the filling. If you plan to cook the dough yourself, start with it. So, fillings:
1. Filling for the bottom layer (from chicken): - boil the chicken with spices, salt; - divide the chicken into pieces; - chop the dill and mix with pieces of chicken.
2. Filling for the middle layer (rice): - boil rice; - boil and chop the eggs; - chop and fry the onions until golden in vegetable oil; - mix everything, while salt and pepper.
3. Filling for the top layer (mushroom): - chop the onions and fry lightly in vegetable oil; - add boiled or dried mushrooms, season with pepper and salt; - fry almost until tender. The fillings are ready, cool down. Pancake time:
4. Knead the liquid pancake dough, for which you need to combine flour, egg, salt, sugar and mix. Gradually add butter and milk, stirring dough.
5. Immediately start frying the pancakes in a wide hot pan, greasing it with vegetable oil. Fry on each side until golden. Grease hot pancakes immediately after frying with butter. At least six pancakes are needed.
Salt - 3 g, Chicken fillet - 250 g, Dry spices - 10 gr, ground black pepper - 3 gr, dill - 20 gr, Chicken eggs - 3 pcs., Salt - 3 gr, Vegetable oil - 30 ml, ground black pepper - 3 g, rice - 170 gr, Onions - 140 gr, Salt - 3 gr, Vegetable oil - 30 ml, ground black pepper - 3 g, onions - 140 gr, Chanterelles - 200 gr, Wheat flour - 100 gr, Chicken eggs - 1 pc., Salt - 2 g, Sugar - 20 g, Vegetable oil - 50 ml, Milk - 150 ml, Vegetable oil - 30 ml, Puff dough - 800 g, Egg yolks - 1 pc., Butter - 50 g
All ovens are different! How to cook in the oven tasty according to other people's recipes, read here! When you're done, you can start assembling the pie:
6. Cover the baking sheet with parchment.
7. Roll the puff dough into a 2-3 mm thick formation. Cut a circle a little more in diameter from the dough than the pancakes. Put the circle on parchment.
8. On top of the dough circle, not reaching the edge of about
1. 5 cm, evenly lay out half of the chicken filling.
9. Put a pancake on it, on which put half of the rice filling. On top - pancake and half of the mushroom stuffing. 10 Repeat the same with the remaining halves inline. 1
1. Next, roll the remaining puff dough into a layer and cut out a circle from it with a radius of 6 cm more than the first. 1
2. Gently cover the pie with a large circle, press. Cut off the extra dough and hold the edges of the dough around the pie nicely . 1
3. From the leftover pastry in any convenient way, form the pie decorations and attach on top of the cake with an egg yolk . 1
4. With the finishing touch, you need to cover the entire pie with whipped yellows. 1
5. Bake the chicken coop in an oven preheated to 200 degrees 1 an hour. Enjoy your meal!