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Butter-free biscuit apricot pie

Butter-free biscuit apricot pie... 6 servings
1 hour

Wheat flour - 1 pack., Chicken eggs - 4 pcs., Sugar - 1 pack., Baking powder - 1 teaspoon., Apricots - 300 gr.
Let's prepare the simplest products. Immediately t... Let's prepare the simplest products. Immediately turn on to heat the oven 180 degrees.
We break eggs into a deep bowl. A pinch of salt an... We break eggs into a deep bowl. A pinch of salt and whisk lightly.
Now we pour in sugar and beat everything well with... Now we pour in sugar and beat everything well with a mixer or whisk.
It is necessary that the mass increases 3-4 times.... It is necessary that the mass increases 3-4 times.
Flour must be mixed with baking powder and sifted.... Flour must be mixed with baking powder and sifted.
Gradually add flour to our sugar-egg mass and gent... Gradually add flour to our sugar-egg mass and gently intervene with a spatula. In this way we intervene all the flour.
We take the form in which we will bake the pie. It... We take the form in which we will bake the pie. It can be - silicone, ceramic, glass, tiflone. . . Which one you like. I have a round ceramic shape with a diameter of 26 centimeters. You need to lightly lubricate it with butter and sprinkle it with flour - we make the so-called & quot; French shirt & quot;. If you have a silicone uniform, you don't need to lubricate it with anything.
Gently pour the dough into the tin. In washed and ... Gently pour the dough into the tin. In washed and dry apricots, remove the bones and cut into small segments. We put the wedges on top in a spiral - it will be beautiful. We put the pie in the preheated oven for 40 minutes. But it is better to keep an eye on the pie, everyone's ovens are baked in different ways. You can try readiness & quot; for a dry ray & quot;. That is, a ray or toothpick should come out of the finished pie dry.
Here's the finished pie! The fragrance is amazing!... Here's the finished pie! The fragrance is amazing! Let it cool a little and shift it to a beautiful big dish!
Such a pie can be made with apricots, peaches, plu... Such a pie can be made with apricots, peaches, plums. . . What you love with.
Enjoy your meal!... Enjoy your meal!