Unfasten with fish and rice in a yeast dough oven
6 servings1 hour 30 min
Milk - 1 pack., Yeast - 25 g, Wheat flour - 2 pack., Vegetable oil - 50 ml, Sugar - 1 tbsp., Salt - 0.5 tea liters, Fish fillet - 400 g, Rice - 50 g, Onions - 1 pc., Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp., Butter - 20 gr, Salt - to taste, Ground black pepper - to taste, Eggs - 1 pc., Milk - 1 tbsp.

How to do unbuttoned with fish? First, let's start preparing a dough for unbuttals. Take a glass of milk and heat it slightly, milk should not burn your finger, too hot milk can kill yeast. Next, take a quarter of a pack of live yeast. Live yeast can be replaced with dry fast-acting yeast, they will need one tablespoon. Measure a tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.

In a large bowl, soak the yeast in warm (not hot!) Milk, add salt, sugar and flour (3 tbsp). Mix well, cover the bowl with a towel and leave the steam in a warm place for 20 minutes.

Live yeast will begin to actively bubble and foam. Let this not bother you, when adding oil, all the foam will settle. Of the 50ml vegetable oil, for the dough we only need 2 tablespoons, the rest of the oil will be needed to work with the dough.

Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil and the remaining flour and mix the dough. Flour may need a slightly larger amount than specified in the recipe, as different manufacturers have different flour densities. The dough should not be cool, but also not stick to the hands.

Brush the bowl with vegetable oil. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a film or cellophane bag and place in a warm place for about 1 hour to lift.

While the dough is suitable, we will deal with the filling. Fillet of any fish, preferably sea fish, is suitable for filling, there are few bones in it. Very tasty unzips come from salmon and pink salmon. This time I was preparing a filling from pollock, it turned out very tasty.

Peel the onions, cut into small cubes and fry into a mixture of vegetable and butter until clear. You do not need to fry the onion strongly.

Cut the fish into fit, remove all bones and cut into a cube

Combine the pre-boiled rice and onions with the oil, add the raw fish, salt and pepper. If desired, you can add parsley or dill greens to the filling. Stir.

Lightly remember the dough by greasing your hands with vegetable oil. Next, to work with the dough, lubricate the work surface and hands with vegetable oil, do not add flour. Divide the dough into 6 pieces. Roll the dough pieces into balls.

Roll each dough ball with a rolling pin into a cake. Put about one tablespoon of filling on the cake.

Open it elongated and give it the shape of a boat, the middle of which is slightly open, not completely pinched. This appearance was the reason for the name - "undone pies" or short - "undone"

Turn on the oven to warm up. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and brush with vegetable oil. Place the undies on a baking sheet, cover with a towel or napkin and leave for 5-10 minutes to make the dough fit.

Combine the egg with one teaspoon of milk and mix with a fork.

Brush open with a mixture of egg and milk. Bake the undies with the fish and rice in a preheated oven at 180 degrees 20-30 minutes.